Harvest Review 2022

2022 Review

2022, the harvest we may never see again!

33 days combining saw this years harvest gathered up with the help of perfect conditions. Record temperatures caused some concern around machinery and low moistures in the oilseed rape after no rainfall, however this led to some high bushel weights and great yields across the board. Not only this, but the dryer was only required twice.

The last day of harvest found us joining the unfortunate list of those experiencing field fires. A spark from a combine chopper started a fire that engulfed around 25 acres of crop. Quick thinking from the arable team and help from the Fire Service prevented the spread towards local houses.


High yields and high bushels. A droughty growing season led to high bushels and easy harvesting. Varieties provided consistent yields and yet again, Skyscraper and Gleam proved to be our preferred variety of choice based on quality and yield.


A slightly smaller area of Winter Barley this year allowed a quick harvest and perfect weather helped us to get baled up and lead under cover in the break before the start of the OSR harvest. Our choice of varieties have performed well again this year, averaging 10.45t/ha, so we have continued with the majority of the 2023 crop being conventional Orwell and Hybrid Kingsbarn.

Spring Barley had a stress-free growing season and again will be growing the same varieties.


Unlike 2020 and 2021, yields this year came in slightly more consistent. Another year of trialling second Rye and yields were higher than previously experienced. Rye continues to be a strong crop for us with relatively low input costs compared to our other cereals, plus it sits well in the rotation and harvest calendar. The large quantity of straw from a Rye crop is beneficial to the cattle enterprise and the grain suits the pig feed enterprise.

Oilseed Rape

OSR continues to be a management intensive crop with the continuing battle against Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle and pigeons in the autumn. Luckily, the entirety of the drilled area made it through to August and was harvested in ideal conditions. There were no drying costs incurred, however we came close to holding off during the middle of the harvest due to extreme heat reducing the grain moisture almost beyond harvestable. Continuing use of our Liquid Gold (pig slurry) gives the OSR crop a boost and provides a cheaper, more sustainable fertiliser for our crops.

Vining Peas and Beans

Another year where our vining crop was a mix of peas and beans. Harvest went well with Swaythorpe Growers pleased with the initial yields, however towards the end of the season yields did suffer slightly due to the high temperatures and a few consecutive days of record 40 degree heat.


A long period of dry weather saw the seed enterprise suffer resulting in yields on and below average across varieties. On the other hand; our pre-pack potatoes, aided by irrigation, performed very well with good yields and quality. All potatoes were both planted and harvested in record time.