Harvest Review 2021

2021 Review

2021 saw the wettest – driest harvest in history. With no quantity of rainfall; but instead, persistent mist and murk making for a frustrating harvest. However, memories are short; we forget that February 2021 saw flooding across roads, in fields and crops compromised by the persistent rainfall. Given these weather factors, 2021 harvest crops turned out to be productive, with good yields and quality.


A year of consistent yields, suggesting sunlight was likely the restricting factor on all crops. Each variety was consistent within each field although differences within varieties really did show with weaker varieties, however the stronger varieties made up for this. Skyscraper and Gleam continue to be our varieties of choice. Overall yields were above average and of good quality; ideal for feeding our pigs.


Winter Barley – suffering from lack of sunlight at grain fill, bushel weights suffered and perhaps yield too. However, yields were just above average. The usual straw baling battle pursued impacted by the weather.

Spring Barley – following a challenging growing season crops looked well but yields were not as bountiful as their looks suggested.


Another year where rye was variety and farm specific. Yields were average and would certainly compete with their predecessor second wheat. It’s growing costs and timings suit the Arable business; its feed and bedding characteristics are beneficial to our pig enterprise.

Oilseed Rape

Fuelled by our Liquid Gold (pig slurry), this crop has come up trumps this year. Full crops, good yields, and good prices – long may it continue.

Vining Peas

Always the first crop to harvest, and generally giving a good indication of wheat yields to come. Yields started very well from earlier drillings but later crops suffered from lack of sunlight. Our area this year included some vining beans, a mixed crop dependant on drilling date with the earlier drilled yielding exceptionally well.


Impacted by eighteen frosts and snow in April followed by a sustained period of dry, the seed enterprise suffered, resulting in yields on and below average across varieties. On the other hand; our pre-pack potatoes, aided by irrigation, performed very well with good yields and quality. All potatoes were both planted and harvested in record time. The mist and murk suiting potato harvest best of all!